Do you want to strengthen your relationship with your loved one? Do you feel like you have lost the closeness that once was there but is lacking now? Taking the time to pray with your spouse before going to bed can make a significant difference in your relationship. It can help both of you draw closer together and to the Lord.

However, if you feel inadequate and unprepared to pray with her, this article will help you! Not only will it give you numerous goodnight prayers, it will put them in categories designed specifically to cover the different areas and needs in her life. In addition, there is some advice at the end of the article that can help you if you are feeling nervous about praying with her.

So, what is a goodnight prayer? A goodnight prayer, sometimes known as a bedtime prayer, is simply taking a few moments before going to bed and praying with your loved one. Most often these prayers involve petitions for God’s blessings, protection, health, guidance, growth, and strength. If your loved one is away, these prayers can also be sent as good night prayer messages via text, email, or letter.

A great way to begin your bedtime prayers, is to ask how you can prayer for her instead of just assuming you know what’s on her mind. She may have something specific that is burdening her or carrying the weight of a particular circumstance that you do not know about. By asking her prayer needs first, it gives her an opportunity to share them with you and helps open up communication.

Also, let me recommend that you do not try to give her advice when she is sharing about her prayer needs unless she asks for it. Your goal is to listen and provide support as she is expressing what is on her heart. Perhaps, after some peaceful sleep you can offer your solutions to what she is going through if you think it will help.

Once you she has shared, take her hand and spend a time praying for her. If you are unsure how to start, below are twenty beautiful good night prayers grouped in categories to help you get the hang of it.

Goodnight Prayers when She is Worried

Prayer #1

“Dear Lord, I lift up (add her name here) to you right now. I know she is worried about what she is going through. I am grateful you tell us in your Word not to be anxious for anything but in everything with prayer and thanksgiving come to you in prayer and you will guard our hearts with peace in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:6-7). Please help her have a peaceful night of sleep as she gives this situation over to you. Guard her heart as she rests in you. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Prayer #2

“Dear God, you tell us not to worry about our lives, but to seek your kingdom first and everything else will be given to us (Matthew 6:25-34). I pray, by the power of the Holy Spirit, that you will help (her name) not to worry about tomorrow but trust that you will take care of things if she always puts you first. Please give her a good night’s rest and help her look forward to a new day tomorrow. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Prayer #3

“Almighty God, you know our needs before we even ask (Matthew 6:8). So, we humbly come before you and give you praise and thanksgiving knowing you will provide for our needs according to your great wisdom. As we go to bed tonight, we pray your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us sweet sleep tonight knowing you are on your throne and that you will take care of us according to your sovereign plan. Amen.”

Goodnight Prayers when She is Discouraged

Prayer #5

“Dear Father, you tell us in your Word that all good things come from you (James 1:17). I know (her name) is discouraged right now and she is having a difficult time seeing your great love. Will you please provide all she needs at this moment and wrap her up with your great love. Please help her get a good night’s sleep and bless her more than she can imagine! In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Prayer #6

“Dear Jesus, I know (her name) is really discouraged right now. You tell us in your Word that your steadfast love never ceases, and your mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). I pray tomorrow will be a much better day for her and that you will provide a great source of encouragement for her. May God bless you and give you peaceful rest tonight. Sweet dreams, amen.”

Prayer #7

“Lord God, It has been a long day for (her name). She is carrying a lot of burdens right now and she needs your sustaining hand. I ask God you would give her peace of mind that only comes through you. Help her find hope in you as she seeks the best way to handle all she is going through (Psalm 121). Please give her a great night’s rest and bless her with a wonderful day tomorrow. Amen.”

Goodnight Prayers when She is Afraid

Prayer #8

“Dear God, you told Joshua in the Bible to be strong and courageous and not be afraid because you were with him (Joshua 1:9). I pray you will help (her name) not allow fear to overcome her in the midst of what she is going through. Give her the confidence that you will take care of her no matter what circumstances she might encounter. O Lord, help her know you love her, and you will send your guardian angels to watch over her. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Prayer #9

“Dear Lord, as we come to the end of the day, I lift up (her name) to you. We know you tell us not to let our hearts be troubled because you are coming back for us someday (John 14:27). But (her name) is really struggling right now and she needs your perfect peace in her life. Can you calm her heart and give her a good night of rest as she trusts you with her situation. In Jesus’ strong name, amen.”

Prayer #10

“Oh Lord, we come before you tonight because you hold all things in your hand. You know all our needs before we even ask (Matthew 6:8). Lord, you know the love of my life is hurting right now and she is really concerned about her situation. Lord, we know you will take good care of her, but we just need your strong presence to be with her at this moment. Give her a restful night of sleep and a beautiful tomorrow. Amen.”

Goodnight Prayers when She is Lonely

Prayer #11

“O God, we come before you in special prayer because we know you are with us. You tell us you will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6-8). I pray for (her name), that she senses your presence and that you wrap her up with your love. Also, help her to know that I love her and that I am her best friend and will always be here for her. I pray she wakes up tomorrow morning feeling loved and cherished because she is a special gift to me. Amen”

Prayer #12

“Dear Jesus, I pray you will help (her name) not feel lonely. She has so many people that love her, but she does not feel loved right now. Help her to know she has so many friends that care deeply for her. Most importantly, give her assurance that you love her, and you are with her. I pray you will take these feelings of loneliness from her and give her a lovely night’s sleep. Amen.”

Prayer #13

“Dear Lord, I pray you will bring some special friends into (her name) life over these next days. I know it is hard when it seems like you are the only one without a good core group of friends. I pray she meets new people at work and at church and through those relationships she develops some really godly friendships. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Goodnight Prayers for Blessing and Love

Prayer #14

“Lord Jesus, I pray for your blessings upon (her name). You have given her a tender heart and she is so talented working with others. Use her for your glory as she seeks to serve you tomorrow. Give her a wonderful night of sleep and bless her as she seeks to honor you. Amen”

Prayer #15

“Good Lord, thank you for (her name). Outside of you, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She is beautiful on the inside and the out. I cannot express how grateful I am that you put us together. I do not deserve her but so glad she is mine. Please shower her with your many blessings because she blesses others everyday. We love you, amen.”

Prayer #16

“Dear Sweet Jesus, words do not adequately express how much I love (her name). She is my best friend and I cannot believe I get to call her mine. Please give her a beautiful night of rest and a wonderful day tomorrow. Watch over her each day and bless her with great things! Amen.”

Prayer #17

“Heavenly Father, you tell us that every good gift comes from you (James 1:17). You have given me a good gift in (her name). I pray that she will always know how much I love her. I ask that you would give her good sleep tonight and a fabulous day tomorrow. Lord, I also pray you will give her favor in the eye’s of all those she encounters. In Jesus’ powerful name, amen.”

Goodnight Prayers for Protection and Provision

Prayer #18

“Lord, we know that that evil one seeks to do harm, but we trust in you for all things. I pray a hedge of protection over (her name). I pray you will give her sound sleep and keep her safe as she travels tomorrow. Watch over her and bring her homely safely. We thank you in advance, amen.

Prayer #19

“Dear God, the Bible says no man can take us from your hand (John 10:28). We are thankful we can boldly come before you and ask for your provision and protection for our family. I ask specifically you would watch over (her name) as she handles this difficult issue. Give her wisdom how to navigate these circumstances effectively and safely. We love you, amen.”

Prayer #20

“Dear Jesus, according to your Word, you know our needs before we ask (Matthew 6:8). I lift (her name) to you right now. You know her needs and we ask for your great provision. She desperately needs you to intervene in her circumstances. We pray for your will to be done and that you get all the glory through this situation. Thank you for what you are going to do! In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Advice for Praying with Her

The prayers above are some examples that can be used to pray with your loved one or even sent as a good night message. Overtime, you will feel more comfortable praying or writing your own. Until then, allow me to give some advice to help you.

First, don’t over stress about praying with your loved one for the first time. Just talked to God like you are talking to a regular person. In other words, don’t try to sound super-spiritual. God knows who you are and so does your loved one. Just be authentic and sincere.

Second, take time and talk about your prayer needs with each other. As I stated earlier, give her an opportunity to share her heart before you pray. She may be carrying burdens that you are unaware of that need to be expressed. Having the opportunity to share those burdens and then pray over them can often reduce stress and help with a more peaceful night of sleep.

Third, if you are really nervous about praying out loud start by reading Scripture together. Begin with reading a chapter each night in the Gospel of John or the Book of Psalms. Reading the Bible together can naturally lead into a time of prayer.

Fourth, avoid the temptation to make the prayer time about you. Praying for the other person can be extremely meaningful. Don’t mess it up by always focusing on you.

Fifth, try to make your prayer time together a priority. If you are like most couples, scrolling through social media tends to be the last thing before falling asleep. Make sure you pray together before you become so tired you find yourself rushing through it. Perhaps, the best time to pray together is right when you get in the bed before you lay down. Take a few minutes while sitting up, holds hands, and pray. You won’t regret it!

For other valuable articles on prayer check out:

Reasons for Unanswered Prayer and How to Correct It

Four Steps to an Exciting and Powerful Prayer Life

The Power of Fervent Prayer